Private Live with Kiko on September 20

Hi Guitar Hackers,

Kiko will be hosting another private live session for Guitar Hacks paying members this Sunday, Sept 20th at 2PM EST (11AM PST, 8PM CET).

The theme is technique and the video will be recorded and published as a lesson to watch again later or for people who could not attend.

As usual, Kiko will pick the top 3 or 5 most liked questions in this topic to cover during the live. So ask away!


What are some recommendations and exercises for creating a nice vibrato?


@Aram, that’s a good idea. Just to make sure, you’re referring to left hand vibrato?

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Is there any good practice methods for muting the strings especially with songs that have really fast solos ex. Tornado of Souls?


Any “secret weapon” technique related excercises that can be done WITHOUT a guitar in hand?


Yes, fretting hand vibrato.

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Hello, Kiko! Greetings from Costa Rica! It is very interesting to me how some people can sing and play complex riffs effortlessly. Do you have any tips or techniques that can help develop that ability? Thanks!


Hello Kiko, while the course breaks down different techniques into discrete days and recommends alternating different techniques every day, do you ever recommend coming up with exercises that can help develop more than one technique at a time? For example, a sweep arpeggio where you also perform some legato, or a pattern that starts off with alternate picking and incorporates hybrid picking for some accents.

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Hello Kiko, Where do you get that latĂ­n influence on your compositions. Can you mention a few artists that you have influenced from to get latĂ­n sound ( I know Santana is somewhere in there). "Saludos desde Puerto Rico! "


Legato technique, please. Especially the pull-off part.

Oh and hybrid picking. THANKS!


Instead of playing every note in a lydian (mode) scale, are there five notes to choose from which still retain the feel and tonality of the lydian scale to perform them with 2 notes per string? In a pentatonic shapes - lydian pentatonic? Locrian pentatonic? Dorian pentatonic?

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This is a great question! Often times I find difficult to play and sing at the same time, especially with songs that have complex rhythms

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Can you show how you adjust your left hand’s position as you move down the fretboard, especially for playing on the E, A and D strings? I sometimes find it difficult to play comfortably on the low strings in frets 12 or up. Thanks!


Welcome to the forum @dchaves!

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Welcome @migmor88, @cyberzurfs and @juan.ignacio.soma too! Don’t forget to introduce yourself over here Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

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Thanks for all the suggestion, don’t forget to also like the topics you would like to be covered most!

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How to measure the progress, and avoid lack of motivation?


That’s a very important one, what problem are you facing? Is it not finding the time to practice or not being motivated when you pick up the guitar?

Constructing interesting chord progressions with melodies over them.

Noise control on high gain. Some of the practice exercises are tricky to control the noise on the high gain without a string dampener I would love to hear how does Kiko get such an amazing and clean sound.

Some of the hardest ones to control for me are legato playing when the Index thing is not available, tapping and string hoping solos

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