Private Live with Kiko on September 20

I was wondering the best way to develop my ear. Sometimes notes tend to sound the same if I’m listening without my guitar. With my guitar I can usually match up the notes. I would like to say thats an A major scale without looking.

Is it just a matter of time practicing on the guitar or are there any practice techniques.

Also definitely interested into diving deeper into this video:


Unfortunately that most probably won’t happen. Perfect pitch needs to be developed at a young age and after that the developement of the brain basically closes the door on that (at least this is what scientists and Rick Beato say…:slight_smile: ). However, relative pitch can be developed and trained, so one can learn to tell that it’s a major scale and even tell the key when compared to a known reference note/pitch. I’m sure @kiko will havesome cool advice on that!

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Appreciate. Figured it would of really sped up my learning.


Please address noise control on string changes.
To this day that undesired noise is a bitch to control for me, particularly when changing strings. Typically, the first string in a string change will ring after the last note is played on that string.

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Hi can you gives us some excercises and ideas on 8 finger tapping, right hand wrist position, how to mute the sound of the other strings doing this technique? Thanks

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Welcome to Hackers!!!

I like this one! Is it measured by the ability to play a riff or to play at a certain speed. Might depend on your personal goals too.

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Giorgio, actually I suggest as a general matter, I think everyone gets through this issue sometimes. In my case, sometimes I wonder if I have any lack of natural skill or I’m just unblessed… Lol

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Can you please take us through your approach to finding the right sound (maybe based on an example/song from Open Source?

Awesome!! I will talk about it! Very important topic!

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Hi Everyone, the link is in the lesson page,

Going live in 5 minutes,

As usual, this live was really helpful. Thank you so much!

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Awesome as usual. Thank you Kiko!

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Hi @Giorgio this replay is not showing the Youtube link as well as the replay for October 2020. Thank you!

Thanks for letting me know, I will check it out,

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