Download videos for offline use

Hi Kiko, Giorgio & all

I would like to know if it is possible to download the videos lessons so it is possible to use it offline. Just like as Spotify.
That would be very hepfull.

Best regards


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Hi @laurent_gimenez, I moved your post to a new topic here.
That’s an interesting question, the concern is piracy as it would make it easy for someone to distribute the course videos…
One idea was to develop a phone app that would cache videos for offline use securely but I don’t know if this would help you.


Hi Giorgio,

I was thinking about a Spotif-lish stuff with an app that can both afford you to watch videos of line and help you track your progression over the different topics.

Best regards

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Is there a particular use case for this that you need? Just curious. :slight_smile:

Just like Spotify. Just offline access or instant access from tab, phone…

The phone app would be really cool! I took a one month peek once into JamPlay and they had offline availability for the videos in the app. I can see someone needing when going to places where there is no WiFi and no or really bad wirless network. Though based on as far as I got in the 7Factor course, one can really get by without the videos when practicing shapes and triads… Buuuut the Forum and the lesson discussions could be integrated into the app too…
Oh and a merch store with Guitar Hacks branded kitchen timer for the Pomodoro Technique! :smiley: :smiley: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: Am I getting carried away a bit? :smiley:

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