How do you improvise over a fast rythmn

I have several punk songs I listen to and wanted to put some fills in there but am having some trouble fitting them in. Seems to me in most rock and metal once the solo is played the rythmn slows down. Just wanted to pick the communities brain to see how they might approach adding some flair.

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Hi Devin, can you share a backing track or link to a youtube video with the kind of fast rhythm you want to solo on?
I remember in my punk days (lol), the solos were not focused on fasts run but more bends and long running notes with a few licks in between.

I think your right. The tempo isn’t extremely fast but the chords change a lot making it difficult for me to solo on.

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I try to focus on the chords when soloing I might try plugging in the key and see what I get.

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I am hearing a rhythmic riff running as a solo in the lower register. Like a pivot lick off the root. Maybe see it as playing a moody rhythmic phrase instead of a solo of single note lines…


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Circled back to this song. Feeling pretty good thanks to kiko’s you tube video on February. Taking the approach of limiting notes and arpeggios.