Guitar pro tab?


Is the different tab of the different lessons available in guitar pro format? If not, do you think it s a good idea?
It could be useful to change the speed sometime especially for the musical moments.




@GregS, Not that I am aware. Something neat is that you can get Kikos Open Sourse tabs in guitar pro format which demonstrates topics found in this course.

Hello Alan,

Thanks for the advice but I’ve already bought the songbook (I love the album and I really want to learn the main part ;-))

Basically, it’s the reason why I posted the proposition because it’s really useful to be able to slow down the track (for Vital signs intro for example…quite challenging at normal speed ahaha)



I think we might have guitar pro files for the workout strategy course that we could upload. But not for 7 Factor.

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Hi Giorgio,

Thanks for the feedback. I’m not far enough on the 7 factor to have a point of view but my question was mainly for the workout so, if you can do it, it would be wonderful :slight_smile:


Hehe, awesome. We’ll start uploading the guitar pro files for guitar hacks workouts this week end!


That’s f… awesome!!! I hope it will be rewarded by the community as deserved!!

Thanks a lot again.


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Good news, all the GP tabs are uploaded for the complete guitar workout course!

Alternate picking day 1 and 2 have the links, for the others while we update all pages, you can already access the guitar pro tabs by changing the file extension from .pdf to to .gp in the URL.

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Fantastic Giorgio. If it’s not planned, I would really put it as a nice marketing improvements for future hackers. :wink:

See you.


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It’s planned :slight_smile:

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Will these be within the course pages or as one zip download?

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Interesting, you think a zip file will all tabs will be useful?
I can add that,

I would say it depends for who. For people enough advanced in the lessons, maybe one zip with all the tabs will be easier but for new students it can be a too “strong” shortcut…

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I watch the lessons on mobile and use guitar pro on my laptop. Would be easier for my flow to have everything accessible :slight_smile:


Completely off topic but does anyone prefer the old Guitar Pro prior version 6 where they completely revamp the UI and went with the whole “real sound engine”? I much prefer the old version with the rustic MIDI sound lol maybe I’m just old schooled but at least the UI was way better lol

Had problems with the guitar pro tabs downloads in general lucky im IT :wink:
This is regarding the paid 50$ version of the gp and pdf of Open Source.
You need guitar pro 7.5 this is the new extension for .gp

If you don’t like the sound of RSE you can set to midi…

Were these file originally on MAC I know it should not make a difference but I definitely had issues on Win10. As far as being able to open/delete the files i got a weird message saying the folder wasn’t there.


Hi @jim.chester, sorry I just noticed this. Uploaded from a Mac but indeed that should not make a difference. The msg says the folder wasn’t there?